Local Advertiser Brings Magnificent Window Dressing

I was leafing through our small local trader booklet the other day – trying to locate information about pub walks that I’d spied.  I didn’t find the original article but I did notice two or three new advertisers had ventured into the world of advertising in the ‘locally yours’ brochure.  This is a good sign – confidence in being able to quote and supply in a quiet market is to be encouraged.  The ones I had in mind are for blinds, window dressings – curtains and that sort of thing.  They really do make a room feel totally finished and I know of a young couple who moved into their dream barn conversion – couldn’t actually afford to do the windows until near winter.  What a difference this has made – they booked a consultation online and the visit was very helpful.  The results are magnificent – stylish and really set off the splendour of each room.